Friday, May 30, 2014

Apologies about Minion News! Also Food Truck Approvals!

Sending out apologies for the second Friday in a row without Friday Reflections! Last week I had an epic battle with the copier machine and this week was caught in a meeting!

For the last couple of weeks, we have been completing the Smarter Balance test pilot, as well as working on the end of year assessments such as Reading Dibels, Math Dibels, Spelling DSI, and Reading DRAs.  We finally completed our Super Hero stories and I hope you you have been able to read the awesome adventure books!  We now have finally started our last project of the year - the long awaited Food Truck Project.

Please check out all the Food Truck Project updates on We just posted all the business proposal ideas that were approved this afternoon!  Check out the really awesome, creative ideas being developed!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Food Truck Race Season 2 - Ideas!!!!

We started brainstorming today our food truck concepts for this year's 4th Grade Food Truck Race! Be sure to visit our sister blog site for updates on this project!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Super Hero Adventures

We have finally (well....most of us) finished our Super Hero chapter books! We created an iMovie to show you the identities that we developed and wrote stories about.  Enjoy the movie and any of the books if you get a chance to see them!

Monday, May 5, 2014

F I L M I N G D A Y - F I N A L L Y !

 The 4th grade classes next door to us are on a field we are filming our NH Cups video today!  5 takes so far!  Wish us luck!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

National Parks Project

In Literacy, we read about how certain species of animals are being reintroduced to our National Parks.  To learn more about our amazing natural treasures throughout our country, we worked on a long-term at-home project about the National Parks.  Each student picked a different National Park to research and study. 

For their National Park Project, each student designed and produced a guidebook to their national park.  The guidebook should have included: the name of the park, location, when it was formed, an overall description of the park, as well as 5 illustrated highlights of things to see in the park.

Students also had to create a colorful, eye catching bumper sticker from their National Park.

Also, students either brought in or created souvenirs or mementos that they might have found at their National Parks.

Students each presented their projects in class and we will have them on display at Project Night on May 20.

Jeremy's Lassen Volcanic National Park

Hayley's Death Valley National Park

Ammon's Petrified Forest National Park

Devon's Everglades National Park

Emma's Katmai National Park

Tommi's Hot Springs National Park

Samantha's Great Smoky Mountain National Park

Jesse's Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Jasmyn's Biscayne National Park

Tyler's Rocky Mountain National Park

Allison's Grand Canyon National Park

Libbey's Yellowstone National Park

More photos to come tomorrow!!!

Busy Minion News - Week of May 2

This Week  We read the story, “Adelina’s Whales,” in Literacy and did a lot of productive work in our new centers.  We started the next unit in Math by looking at the various types of units of measurement.  We worked on completing our bird projects and super hero stories.  Most of the students have finished typing and are waiting to be edited and formatted for publishing.  We also started learning about the science of sound.  We also celebrated our own National Parks Day and enjoyed all the wonderful presentations of the National Park Projects.  Students and their families should be congratulated on such creative work on the National Parks!  Great Job!  We will finish the week by playing Quidditch as a class for Clubs.  Go Lightning Bolts!
Next Week   Due to the Science NECAP testing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we will not have a story in Literacy – nor will we have spelling.  We will continue our work in Measurement for Math - looking at perimeter and area.  We will also go over how to do computation with decimals. We hope to film our music video for NH Cups, as well as work towards getting everyone finished Super Hero and Bird projects. Friday will be an Early Release Day with Career Day in the morning.
REMINDER:  Lightning Bolts Quidditch T-Shirt and Sweatshirt orders are due Wednesday, May 7th.