Monday, September 15, 2014

Dirty Hands Gardening Club Harvest

Today we helped Mrs. Fifield in the school garden!  We helped to harvest tomatoes, swiss chard, potatoes, and beets to donate to the Bread and Roses Soup Kitchen.  It was fun to get outside in the sunshine and dig in the dirt!  It was so rewarding to see the "fruits" (and veggies) of all the labor that the students did in the spring!  Our haul was 34 pounds of tomatoes!  Yesterday, the kindergarteners harvested 110 pounds of potatoes - and today we found probably 2-3 pounds more of ones that were hiding!

Math Review & Challenge Fun

New Hampshire Regions

We're starting some good research on the three main regions of New Hampshire.  We have started painting each of the regions and will be creating a book about the regions.