Friday, April 15, 2016

Owl News - April 15th

This Week  We started Chapter 9 in Math this week which is all about metric measurement.  We continued with our Food Truck projects by working on menu ideas and descriptions of food items.  Please see our new blog for updates as we work on their project.  We are waiting on model supplies to come in and then we will start building our models.  In ELA and Science, we continued learning about plants and growing seeds.  We read the story “Ugly Vegetables” and planted our own seeds in our garden bed.  Our cold weather seeds of carrots, peas, beets, and radishes have been planted and we will be watering and waiting for them to sprout up.  With a short germination time – we should be able to harvest those vegetables before summer vacation!  The Spring Quidditch season also began this week!  It was great for the Lightning Bolts to get back out onto the pitch!

Next Week  In Math we will finish Chapter 9  in Measurement with the test on Thursday.  In Literacy, we will read a story called “Super Croc.”  On Friday, we take part in all sorts of Earth Day activities.    We will also continue to work on our Food Truck Project and some fun plant activities. 

Lightning Bolts Quidditch T-Shirt/Sweatshirt Order Deadline is Next Friday, April 22nd!  Show Your Bolts Spirit! 

Important Dates Coming Up:  Spring Vacation – April 23- May 1.  Tuesday, May 10 – Capital Center for the Arts Field Trip.  Tuesday, May 24th – SEE Science Center Field Trip.  As always – check out: