Thursday, May 1, 2014

Busy Minion News - Week of May 2

This Week  We read the story, “Adelina’s Whales,” in Literacy and did a lot of productive work in our new centers.  We started the next unit in Math by looking at the various types of units of measurement.  We worked on completing our bird projects and super hero stories.  Most of the students have finished typing and are waiting to be edited and formatted for publishing.  We also started learning about the science of sound.  We also celebrated our own National Parks Day and enjoyed all the wonderful presentations of the National Park Projects.  Students and their families should be congratulated on such creative work on the National Parks!  Great Job!  We will finish the week by playing Quidditch as a class for Clubs.  Go Lightning Bolts!
Next Week   Due to the Science NECAP testing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we will not have a story in Literacy – nor will we have spelling.  We will continue our work in Measurement for Math - looking at perimeter and area.  We will also go over how to do computation with decimals. We hope to film our music video for NH Cups, as well as work towards getting everyone finished Super Hero and Bird projects. Friday will be an Early Release Day with Career Day in the morning.
REMINDER:  Lightning Bolts Quidditch T-Shirt and Sweatshirt orders are due Wednesday, May 7th.