Thursday, October 8, 2015

Owl News - October 8

This Week  Our short  week went by fast!  While we moved ahead nicely in Math, finishing up our Chapter 2 lesson, we did not get to our ELA story.  We decided to focus on our Owl project so we can have that ready for Open House next week.  We worked on researching our owls – we did some reading and taking notes.  We can’t wait for you to see our life size owl paintings!  We also visited Mount Rushmore with Paddington and enjoyed a visit from Franklin Fire Department to learn about fire safety.

Next Week  In ELA, we will read the story of “My Name is Yoon.”  We will finish up our Owl projects on Tuesday so they are ready for Open House on Tuesday evening.   In Math, we will review Chapter 2 and take the test on Wednesday!  Then we will start Chapter 3, which is all about basic addition and subtraction facts.  Paddington’s Adventures will bring us to the Gateway Arch in the Midwest.   Remember there is a 4 day week next week – as we have Columbus Day off on Monday.
Did you Know? Our Owl projects were based on our Reading groups?  We researched Barn owls, Screech owls, Eagle Owls, and Spotted Owls.