Friday, May 20, 2016

Owl News - May 20th

This Week  We had a terrific week!  We started Chapter 11 in Math – all about geometry.  This will be our last chapter of the year!  We continued to work on our garden and learn about plants.  We worked on the end of the year tests of DRA reading levels and Dibels Math.  In Literacy, we read about a desert story of “Dig, Wait, Listen.”    We also continued to work on our Food Trucks.  We enjoyed the end of the week with quidditch and working in the garden!

Next Week  In Math we will work along in Chapter 11 – learning about 3D and 2D shapes.  We will head to the SEE Science Center in Manchester on Tuesday. Please remember to send your child with a bagged lunch!  In ELA, we will read the story of “Splish, Splash Animal Baths!”  We will work on our Food Truck models and menus as well.  Please note from Mrs. Beaudet: On Friday, my son, Teddy, is graduating from high school – so I will not be in and the class will be with Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Watts. 

Important Dates Coming Up:  Tuesday, May 24th – SEE Science Center Field Trip. (Please bring a bagged lunch.)  May 27th – 3B Boogie, Mrs. Beaudet out for Graduation.  June 6th – Reading Carnival (Please remember to read for tickets!)  June 8 – Cook Out and Field Day (sneakers!).  June 13 – Class Day Parade (Wear Lightning Bolts shirts!)  June 15 – Little Red Wagon show.  June 16 – Clif Ice Cream Social.  June 20 – Half Day and Last Day of School, Mrs. Beaudet out for Teddy’s College Freshman Orientation