Friday, September 20, 2013

Busy Minion News - Week of Sept. 20th

  This Week  Hard working week!  We finished Dibels and tackled the nonfiction article “Kid Reporters at Work.”  While the article was a little confusing, we learned to take notes on important points to help us remember them.  We also finished up with Unit 1 in Math.  We reviewed for the test with our new College Prep pocket board – getting to choose a college pocket and then solving the review card with it.  Studying and reviewing always make taking a test easier.  It’s good to be prepared and it’s a good lesson to learn early on!  We also finished our Tree Ring projects and have started an animal ABC Book project – that we will work on while doing the DRA reading level assessments.  We have also started to write to our painting of the different regions of NH.  We also got to start Activity Clubs.  Those will run for the next few weeks and should be a lot of fun.

Next Week  For Literacy next week, we will read the story, “The Astronaut and the Onion.”  We will work on identifying important elements of the story, as well as do some space related activities with our Work Plan.  We will continue to work on making sentences more complex.   In Math, we will review any skills missed on the Unit 1 test and then begin Unit 2.  We will focus on Multiplication and Division.  We will start with making a priority of learning and memorizing the multiplication facts.  We will work on the writing to our NH Regions Picturing Writing project, as well as our ABC Animal books.  Please continue to work on the NH County Map Project at home. Friday will be NH Map Day!