Thursday, April 17, 2014

Busy Minion News - Week of April 18

This Week  We read the story, “At Home in the Coral Reef,” in Literacy and did a lot of productive work in our new centers.  We completed Unit 6 in Math (working with decimals in relation to fractions) and took our assessment.  We worked on completing our bird projects and super hero stories.  Most of the students have finished typing and are waiting to be edited and formatted for publishing.  Before we leave for vacation, we will paint some papers for our super hero book covers.  We also got to test seed germination rates for some old seeds, which was fun to do.  We also studied landforms and natural features and created a picture dictionary.  We also practice our NH Cups song…and it is almost ready to be made into a music video!
Next Week  (After vacation) We will read the story, “Adelina’s Whales,” in Literacy.  We will begin studying Measurement in Math – which is full of important, essential life skills.  Along with working on measuring length, perimeter, area, we will also work on converting units within the same type of measurement – and that will be difficult.  We are looking forward to National Park Project Day on Thursday, May 1.  Everyone will get to present their at-home projects and we are excited to learn about all the great parks!

Seed Germination Tests

Friday, April 11, 2014

Comparing and Ordering Decimals

After making some springtime paper chains by ordering decimals - we went outside to take a photo!  It was a great excuse to spend a couple of minutes outside on a beautiful Friday!  It actually took us a couple of minutes and it was pure torture with the sun in our eyes...since it seems like we haven't seen the sun in MONTHS!  JK - The warmth of the sunshine feels so good!!!!  Can't wait for some recess time!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Busy Minion News - Week of April 11

This Week  We read the article, “Animals Come Home to Our National Parks.”  We did some research about National Parks of our choice and already excited about our At-Home National Park projects.  We worked on our Bird “Who Am I” trifold Picturing Writing project.  We started Unit 6 in Math and are working on converting fractions into decimals and vice versa.  We are seeing the light at the end of our super hero tunnel.  Many students have finished typing and are waiting to be edited and formatted for publishing. 
Next Week  We will read the story, “At Home in the Coral Reef,” in Literacy.  We will finish up work on Math Unit 6 and take the assessment before we head to vacation.  In preparing for vacation – we hope to tie up a bunch of loose ends: we will continue working on super hero publishing and hopefully begin to think about ideas for our NH Cups video, as well as complete our “What Bird Am I” projects.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Busy Minion News - Week of April 4

This Week  We read the folktale, “Roadrunner’s Dance,” this week in Literacy.  With the story, we extended our study of birds and adaptations with a “Who Am I” trifold Picturing Writing project.  We finished up Unit 5 in Math and mostly did a great job on the assessment.  We completed our Aurora poetry books as well.  We also continued to make progress on our super hero publishing.  We also created a congratulations video for Tyler who spent the week in Colorado competing in the USASA National Snowboarding Competition.  Tyler earned a Gold Medal in the GS race.
Next Week  We will read the article, “Animals Come Back to Our National Parks,” in Literacy.  Students will also begin another long-term project at home, based on our National Parks.  We will begin Unit 6 in Math and start looking at how fractions relate to decimals.  We will continue working on super hero publishing and hopefully begin to think about ideas for our NH Cups video.  We will complete our “What Bird Am I” projects
REMINDER:  Spring Vacation is April 21 – 25.  Career Day is May 9.  Science NECAPS will be on May 6, 7, 8.  Belknap Mill field trip is on May 16.  The Smarter Balance Test pilot will be on May 12, 13, 14, 15.  Project Night is May 20.