Thursday, April 10, 2014

Busy Minion News - Week of April 11

This Week  We read the article, “Animals Come Home to Our National Parks.”  We did some research about National Parks of our choice and already excited about our At-Home National Park projects.  We worked on our Bird “Who Am I” trifold Picturing Writing project.  We started Unit 6 in Math and are working on converting fractions into decimals and vice versa.  We are seeing the light at the end of our super hero tunnel.  Many students have finished typing and are waiting to be edited and formatted for publishing. 
Next Week  We will read the story, “At Home in the Coral Reef,” in Literacy.  We will finish up work on Math Unit 6 and take the assessment before we head to vacation.  In preparing for vacation – we hope to tie up a bunch of loose ends: we will continue working on super hero publishing and hopefully begin to think about ideas for our NH Cups video, as well as complete our “What Bird Am I” projects.