Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Brunch - Dec. 22

Mrs. Beaudet’s & Mrs. Weaver’s

 2nd Grade Classes

Christmas Brunch

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

For the week and two days leading up to Christmas vacation, we will have Harry Potter themed academic activities and craft projects.   At some point during the week, we will be making classmate gifts to give one another at the Christmas Brunch. 

On Tuesday the 22nd, we will celebrate Christmas as a class with a morning brunch (instead of the afternoon party)!  We will spend the rest of the day being busy - finishing up our gifts and getting them wrapped to bring home.  We might also enjoy a quiet movie in the afternoon.

For our brunch, we would very much appreciate the following breakfast type items:
Bagels with cream cheese                  muffins              yogurt                fruit
 Brown & Serve sausages          maple syrup                 cinnamon rolls       
English muffins with butter & jam         orange juice          coffee cake
We will provide the pancakes, griddle, toaster and paper goods.  Thank you so much! 
Mrs. Beaudet and Mrs. Weaver

We are also looking for donations of gift wrapping tissue and simple gift bags.

Please fill out the bottom of this notice and return it to school so we have an idea of the food we will be having at the brunch.  Please do not send in any candy or dessert. 
Thank you so much for your help. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to your families!

************  U  P  D  A  T  E  *************
So far these items have been signed up for:
yogurt, bagels with cream cheese (3), coffee cake (2), sausages (2), cinnamon rolls, fruit platter, OJ (1), muffins

Friday, December 4, 2015

Owl News - Week of Dec 4th

This Week  Both Math groups are finishing up double digit addition  work for Chapter 4.  We read the article of “African American Inventors.”  Reading groups started new stories.  We also read about caves this week and did a fun reindeer math activity.  We have continued to practice our penmanship handwriting with Mrs. Watts and it has been a challenge to carry it over to our regular work.  In Science, we looked at properties of liquids and sorted different liquids based on their properties.   

Next Week  We will finish Chapter 4 in Math, taking our test on Friday.  In ELA/Reading, we will read the “Alvin Ailey Kids” story.  We will do another science activity with turning a solid into a liquid.  It will be a fun one!    We will also begin some fun seasonal projects.  Some will be a surprise – so no clues here!

Important Dates Coming Up:  Vacation/No School – Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Sunday, January 3.  Monday, Jan. 18 – No School for MLK Jr. Day.  Also - SAVE THE DATE: Parent/Teacher Conference Day – Friday, Jan. 22.  (There will be NO school that day, but teachers will be scheduling conferences for that day.  More info included in the report card envelope.)

Cold Quidditch Today!

Look who flew in to play Quidditch today!

The Pink Ladies!

Some cute puppies!

A couple of crazy Minions,

And two of Santa's Helpers!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Turn Back to Festival Pumpkins

Thank you to Meme Fuller that helped us clean our pumpkins for the Laconia Pumpkin Festival

Conferences - How to Sign Up

For Parent-Teacher Conferences I am using VolunteerSpot (the leading online Sign-up and reminder tool) to organize signing up for the conference appointments on January 21st and January 22nd.

I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress in second grade.  I have 20 minute time slots available on the afternoon of Thursday, Jan. 21st and during the day on Friday, Jan. 22nd.  Remember Jan. 22 is a No-School day for students, as teachers will be setting aside most of their day to meet with parents and to attend a workshop.

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.

Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Happy Thanksgiving

The Beaudet Owl Native American tribe enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch with their new friends, the Weaver Husky Pilgrims!

Flashback to Halloween

Sorry I am posting these so late - but they are too cute not to share!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Love Our Lightning Bolts

Our 2nd Grade Concert was a SUCCESS

Owl News - November 6

This Week  Both groups in Math finished up all the lessons in Chapter 3.  We will be reviewing on Monday and taking the Chapter 3 test on Tuesday.  We read the story of “Dona Flor” and worked on writing about family activities and traditions. We spent every morning this week practicing our songs for the concert.  In reading groups, we worked on creating our large multimedia art pieces to represent each of our concert songs.  We also traveled to the Redwood National Park and Pearl Harbor for our last stops of Paddington’s Adventure.  We ended the week with our weekly Lightning Bolts Quidditch matches and our spelling and reading tests.

Next Week  In ELA, we will read about Tall Tales.  We will take our test on Tuesday, checking our progress on adding and subtracting.  On Thursday, we will begin Chapter 4 in Math, and we will begin learning about double digit addition and subtraction.  We also venture into our first science topic of States of Matter. 

Important Dates Coming Up:  Veteran’s Day on November 11 – No School.   Thanksgiving Break: November 25- November 29.