This Week Both Math
groups are finishing up double digit addition work for Chapter 4. We read the article of “African American
Inventors.” Reading groups started new
stories. We also read about caves this
week and did a fun reindeer math activity.
We have continued to practice our penmanship handwriting with Mrs. Watts
and it has been a challenge to carry it over to our regular work. In Science, we looked at properties of liquids
and sorted different liquids based on their properties.
Next Week We will finish Chapter 4 in Math, taking our
test on Friday. In ELA/Reading, we will
read the “Alvin Ailey Kids” story. We
will do another science activity with turning a solid into a liquid. It will be a fun one! We
will also begin some fun seasonal projects.
Some will be a surprise – so no clues here!
Important Dates Coming Up: Vacation/No School –
Wednesday, Dec. 23 – Sunday, January 3.
Monday, Jan. 18 – No School for MLK Jr. Day. Also - SAVE THE DATE: Parent/Teacher
Conference Day – Friday, Jan. 22. (There
will be NO school that day, but teachers will be scheduling conferences for
that day. More info included in the
report card envelope.)