Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Brunch - Dec. 22

Mrs. Beaudet’s & Mrs. Weaver’s

 2nd Grade Classes

Christmas Brunch

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

For the week and two days leading up to Christmas vacation, we will have Harry Potter themed academic activities and craft projects.   At some point during the week, we will be making classmate gifts to give one another at the Christmas Brunch. 

On Tuesday the 22nd, we will celebrate Christmas as a class with a morning brunch (instead of the afternoon party)!  We will spend the rest of the day being busy - finishing up our gifts and getting them wrapped to bring home.  We might also enjoy a quiet movie in the afternoon.

For our brunch, we would very much appreciate the following breakfast type items:
Bagels with cream cheese                  muffins              yogurt                fruit
 Brown & Serve sausages          maple syrup                 cinnamon rolls       
English muffins with butter & jam         orange juice          coffee cake
We will provide the pancakes, griddle, toaster and paper goods.  Thank you so much! 
Mrs. Beaudet and Mrs. Weaver

We are also looking for donations of gift wrapping tissue and simple gift bags.

Please fill out the bottom of this notice and return it to school so we have an idea of the food we will be having at the brunch.  Please do not send in any candy or dessert. 
Thank you so much for your help. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to your families!

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So far these items have been signed up for:
yogurt, bagels with cream cheese (3), coffee cake (2), sausages (2), cinnamon rolls, fruit platter, OJ (1), muffins