Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy Minion News UPDATES

Week of November 22
This Week  We read the story, “When I Went to the Library,” in Literacy this week.  We started the epic task of learning long division….Karl the Knarl is helping us with that (hehe).  We also continued to work on mastering multiplication.  We started writing our Super Hero books with outlining and drafting Chapter 1 about our regular life as a kid.  Today we will create our Super Hero costumes…they should turn out incredible and amazing!  We worked on Revolutionary War code books – finishing our Tax issue page with a cipher disk and the No Representation page with Tallmadge’s Code.  Mr. Hazelton not only helped us learn the very cool Beatles tune, Octopus’s Garden, on the ukuleles  - but he also came in to give us extra, professional help with our NH Cups song.  Hopefully, with a few more practices, we will be able to record the song to share with everyone!  We also finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and we are creating our next “Favorite Moments” iMovie.
Next Week  We will not have a Literacy story next week, due to the 2 day week.  We will spend the couple of days before Thanksgiving finishing our Revolutionary Code books (with invisible ink and a pig pen/Free Mason cipher) as well as other projects.  We will work on our Super Hero stories, finish the Chamber of Secrets Moments iMovie, and some fun seasonal activities.  One piece of real school business that we need to take care of is in Math.  We will do a Math test before Thanksgiving so we can get an idea of what we still need to work on with multiplication and division.

 Week of December 6
This Week  We read the story, “Dear Mrs. LaRue,” in Literacy this week.  It was a fun story about a naughty doggie who had to go to obedience school – and was not very happy about it.  With our Work Plan, we had fun writing to some pictures of Mrs. Beaudet’s crazy dog Pudgie!  We are continuing to work on multiplication and division.  We completed our Revolutionary War code books –and they are pretty cool!  We have started our secret NH Crop project – we collected a lot of very yummy recipes!  We also finished the week enjoying some craft time making some things for special people in our lives.  It is a wonderful time of year!
Next Week  We will read and perform the play, “Ranita the Frog Princess” in Literacy.  We will try to make some good progress on our Super Hero project.  We will review our multiplication and division skills and get ready to take the Unit 2 test before vacation. We also hope to meet up with Mr. Hazelton again to perfect our NH Cups song.  We really hope to create a music video with our song so we can share it!  We will also work on our NH Crop project and some other holiday fun projects that we will integrate into some writing and reading.

SPECIAL THANK YOU: to all the parents and families that came to meet with me for Report Card conferences!  It was really wonderful to talk with you all and celebrate your children’s progress so far in 4th grade.  They are great kids – thank you for sharing them with me!  We are having a terrific year!