Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snowshoeing Video - Laugh & Enjoy!


You should follow this link...the video quality is much better:

Snowshoeing Event Exemplifies the Olympic Creed

Today, we completed our homemade snowshoes.  It was not an easy task.  We ran out of time (due to snow days and snow afternoons) and we ran out of duct tape.  But...we refused to be defeated!  The students partnered up with those who had workable snowshoes.  In true Olympic spirit, they shared what they had finished with teammates/opponents and put their efforts together to make sure everyone can participate this afternoon.

With the struggle of building our homemade snowshoes, we realized that the Olympic Creed fit perfectly with this experience.  We talked at length as a class about the importance of taking part and not giving up...and being proud of our attempts, no matter the outcome.

The Olympic Creed

We hope our snowshoes work this afternoon...but we are prepared to laugh at anything that might happen to us out in the 3 feet of snow we have in the PSS fields.  We'll give it a shot, and if we don't least we know we fought well to make it happen!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Winning Valentine Olympic Team!

Our Valentine Olympic Party was snowed out (!) last Friday....but we enjoyed treats and exchanging valentines today.  Since there was confusion about when we were rescheduling the party...we will certainly also enjoy any treats that come in during the remainder of the week.  Thank you to all that sent in delicious treats and valentine cards - we had a great party!

The Olympians after collecting Valentines in their Gold Medal pouches!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Coming Soon.....42nd Iditarod!

This year's Iditarod Sled Dog Trail Race begins on March 1st in Alaska.  We will start learning about the race this week (as we try to finish up our Olympics).  Every year it is exciting to see the mushers race with their dogs!

A great place to find out the history of the Iditarod is

Look under the "About" menu for tons of great Iditarod facts and information!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Luge Spelling Bee

The Luge Spelling Bee was a fierce, emotional competition!  The athletes gave it their all - spelling some very challenging Olympic themed words!  I was very proud of everyone's effort and sportsmanship!
Congratulations to the medal winners:
Gold - Tommi
Silver - Allison
Bronze - Jason

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2014 Olympic Opening Ceremony

On Monday, February 10, the athletes from Mrs. Weaver's 2nd Grade hosted our class in the Olympic Opening Ceremony.  We carried the Olympic Torch down to the second grade wing with a variety of country flags and then joined our 2nd grade counterparts.  Mrs. Weaver showed a great musical slideshow of Olympic photos and then we participated in the ceremonial events.  We welcomed Mayor Merrifield and Councilman Dzujna as distinguished guests for the Opening Ceremonies.  Both athletes and judges alike took their respective Olympic Oaths.  The ceremony ended with Mayor Merrifield reading aloud to all the athletes G is for Gold, a book all about the Olympics.  It was a wonderful ceremony!  Let the Games begin!

Carrying the Olympic Torch to Mrs. Weaver's 2nd Grade Class

Presentation of the Olympic Flag and welcoming our distinguished guests.

Our Olympic Motto: "Sharper, Brighter, Smarter."

Reciting the Olympic Oath.

Enjoying the Olympic musical slideshow.

Mayor Merrifield reading G is for Gold.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Olympics - Snowshoe Building STEM Activity

STEM Activities are hands-on, problems solving challenges that provide students opportunities to demonstrate the real-world application of science, technology, engineering and math.  With these types of activities, students learn how engineers use science, technology and math to solve problems and make a difference in the world.

As a part of our classroom Olympics, I am providing students with a STEM opportunity to engineer and build their own snowshoes so they can use them to race in the class Olympic competition.

In class, all athletes will need to be creative and use the provided materials to build a sturdy, usable pair of snowshoes.

Today in class, students began building their snowshoes.  They are using cut saplings, duct tape, rope, string, foot braces, and grocery bags.

We will finish the snowshoes next week and we plan on racing them on Feb. 18th.

 Getting started and checking out the materials.

Using the "jig" Gramp Fuller made us to bend the frames and secure them.

Twisting grocery bags to use as rope for the net of the snowshoe.

Progress at the end of Work Session #1.

A BIG "Thank You" to Gramp Fuller for getting us all set up to build our very own snowshoes!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our 2014 Winter Olympics - Mrs. Beaudet's Class

Over the next three weeks, in celebration of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, our class will be participating in our classroom version of the Winter Olympics.    In the Olympic spirit of competition and sportsmanship, we will have various academic challenges that will serve as the different events.  Some of these events will be individual sports, some pairs or team challenges; and some events will be done at home/independently and most done here at school.

Events scheduled include: Luge/Spelling, Skiing/Math facts, Bobsled/Math problem solving, Snowboarding/reading book reports, Figure Skating/Olympic history, Snowshoeing/STEM Science, Curling/Reading at home, Biathlon/Picturing Writing, Ice Hockey/Olympic Scavenger Hunt, Speed Skating/Athlete biography, and Ski Jumping/Sport lesson. 

We will have an Opening Ceremony on Monday, February 10, and we will conclude our Olympics with the Closing Medal Ceremony on Friday, February 21st.  Over the next week, I will be sending home details about the independent challenges that can be worked on at home.

Here’s to our Olympic Motto: “Sharper, Brighter, Smarter!”  As competitors, let’s commit ourselves to good sportsmanship in the true spirit of competition, for the knowledge and honor of ourselves and our classmates!

Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm with the fun competitions we will be undertaking! 

2014 Winter Olympics Event Schedule

Ski Jumping
Olympic Sport Lesson – research an Olympic Sport, teach the class about it
Pairs or Individual, working on project at school
Presentations start on Friday, Feb 7, will take place through week of Feb 10
Building own snowshoes, then racing them
Individual, working on project at school
Building on Feb 7, 14, Racing on Tues, Feb 18
Spelling Bee with Olympic words
Individual, study at home, event is at school
Tues, Feb 11
Math Facts, best out of 3 days
Individual, study at home, event at school
Tues, Feb 11-Thurs, Feb 13
Picturing Writing with Olympic theme
Individual, working on project at school
Wed, Feb 12-Thurs, Feb 13
Math Word Problems
Team event, working on project at school
Friday, Feb 14
Speed Skating
Olympic Athlete Profile
Pairs, independent project at school and home
Due Friday, Feb 14
Reading at Home
Individual, independent, read  at home
Due Monday, Feb 17
Ice Hockey
Olympic Scavenger Hunt
Team event, working at school AND at home
Due Tues, Feb 18
Book Report
Individual, working at home
Due Wed, Feb 19
Figure Skating
Winter Olympic History
Pairs, working independently school and home
Due Thurs, Feb 20