Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2014 Olympic Opening Ceremony

On Monday, February 10, the athletes from Mrs. Weaver's 2nd Grade hosted our class in the Olympic Opening Ceremony.  We carried the Olympic Torch down to the second grade wing with a variety of country flags and then joined our 2nd grade counterparts.  Mrs. Weaver showed a great musical slideshow of Olympic photos and then we participated in the ceremonial events.  We welcomed Mayor Merrifield and Councilman Dzujna as distinguished guests for the Opening Ceremonies.  Both athletes and judges alike took their respective Olympic Oaths.  The ceremony ended with Mayor Merrifield reading aloud to all the athletes G is for Gold, a book all about the Olympics.  It was a wonderful ceremony!  Let the Games begin!

Carrying the Olympic Torch to Mrs. Weaver's 2nd Grade Class

Presentation of the Olympic Flag and welcoming our distinguished guests.

Our Olympic Motto: "Sharper, Brighter, Smarter."

Reciting the Olympic Oath.

Enjoying the Olympic musical slideshow.

Mayor Merrifield reading G is for Gold.