Friday, February 7, 2014

Olympics - Snowshoe Building STEM Activity

STEM Activities are hands-on, problems solving challenges that provide students opportunities to demonstrate the real-world application of science, technology, engineering and math.  With these types of activities, students learn how engineers use science, technology and math to solve problems and make a difference in the world.

As a part of our classroom Olympics, I am providing students with a STEM opportunity to engineer and build their own snowshoes so they can use them to race in the class Olympic competition.

In class, all athletes will need to be creative and use the provided materials to build a sturdy, usable pair of snowshoes.

Today in class, students began building their snowshoes.  They are using cut saplings, duct tape, rope, string, foot braces, and grocery bags.

We will finish the snowshoes next week and we plan on racing them on Feb. 18th.

 Getting started and checking out the materials.

Using the "jig" Gramp Fuller made us to bend the frames and secure them.

Twisting grocery bags to use as rope for the net of the snowshoe.

Progress at the end of Work Session #1.

A BIG "Thank You" to Gramp Fuller for getting us all set up to build our very own snowshoes!