Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our 2014 Winter Olympics - Mrs. Beaudet's Class

Over the next three weeks, in celebration of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, our class will be participating in our classroom version of the Winter Olympics.    In the Olympic spirit of competition and sportsmanship, we will have various academic challenges that will serve as the different events.  Some of these events will be individual sports, some pairs or team challenges; and some events will be done at home/independently and most done here at school.

Events scheduled include: Luge/Spelling, Skiing/Math facts, Bobsled/Math problem solving, Snowboarding/reading book reports, Figure Skating/Olympic history, Snowshoeing/STEM Science, Curling/Reading at home, Biathlon/Picturing Writing, Ice Hockey/Olympic Scavenger Hunt, Speed Skating/Athlete biography, and Ski Jumping/Sport lesson. 

We will have an Opening Ceremony on Monday, February 10, and we will conclude our Olympics with the Closing Medal Ceremony on Friday, February 21st.  Over the next week, I will be sending home details about the independent challenges that can be worked on at home.

Here’s to our Olympic Motto: “Sharper, Brighter, Smarter!”  As competitors, let’s commit ourselves to good sportsmanship in the true spirit of competition, for the knowledge and honor of ourselves and our classmates!

Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm with the fun competitions we will be undertaking!